-- Forum: Installations
--- Topic: Server requirements for ICT 1.1 ( 5 )

CHOPPER - March 29th, 2007 00:32 GMT

Now that 1.1 is coming out, I'd better organise some hosting. What are the minimum requirements for a server to run ICT 1.1? And what would be the ideal server specs?
Camil - March 29th, 2007 13:58 GMT

Server requirements have not realy changed. You need to have php 4.1 installed as a minimum and ftp access. You will no longer need to have Ioncube installed since ICT will no longer be encripted with it. You will also no longer need to set file permissions to 0777 on any folder because will will use FTP to handle files. As for database, you can still run ICT on MySQL 3.23 and up, MSSQL 7 and up, PgSQL and Oracle 8 and up.

In short, you will be able to run ICT on almost all web servers.  
CHOPPER - March 30th, 2007 04:44 GMT

Thanks for the info. I just like to make sure first before signing up. However, I don't quite follow the following part of your post.

------ QUOTE START ------
You will also no longer need to set file permissions to 0777 on any folder because will will use FTP to handle files.
------ QUOTE END ------

With the FTP client I used to use ( it's on my old hard drive, not this one ), it asked what to load things up with. So do you just use the FTP default settings? And is there a free FTP software I can download that you would recommend? I'm just not too experienced with PC's. I have a friend who does most things for me. Anything more involved than clicking on a link is getting close to my limits, unless there is somebody physically siting beside me to show me what to do.
Camil - March 30th, 2007 11:08 GMT

It's got not thing to do with the installation part. The script needs to make changes to files on the server when you change settings in the AdminCP. When you do that, you need write permission on files and you need that also if you simply want to delete one. That is now taken care of by using the php FTP functions so that you will no need to give write permission to files. This will raise security considarably on Linux systems. There is also some servers that will not allow yu to set file permission higher than 0755 and that would prevent you from using ICT. With the FTP functionality being available now, that is taken care of also.
CHOPPER - March 30th, 2007 13:54 GMT

I hardly understood any of your post. I'll ask my PC guru if he knows what it means. If he does,  no problem.
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