-- Forum: Installations
--- Topic: Server requirements for ICT 1.1 ( Post #11340 )

CHOPPER - March 30th, 2007 04:44 GMT

Thanks for the info. I just like to make sure first before signing up. However, I don't quite follow the following part of your post.

------ QUOTE START ------
You will also no longer need to set file permissions to 0777 on any folder because will will use FTP to handle files.
------ QUOTE END ------

With the FTP client I used to use ( it's on my old hard drive, not this one ), it asked what to load things up with. So do you just use the FTP default settings? And is there a free FTP software I can download that you would recommend? I'm just not too experienced with PC's. I have a friend who does most things for me. Anything more involved than clicking on a link is getting close to my limits, unless there is somebody physically siting beside me to show me what to do.
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