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-- Forum: WWF (1990-1995)
--- Topic: 1993 Royal Rumble ( 19 )

ShadowAngel - October 14th, 2014 17:48 GMT

Overall, there were some good matches. Shawn Michaels - Marty Jannetty and Bret Hart - Razor Ramon were really good. Also Big Bossman - Bam Bam Bigelow was surprisingly entertaining. 

The Rumble itself was a bit disappointing. It stopped being exciting about halfway through when most of the big names (Flair, Undertaker, Hennig, DiBiase) were eliminated, leaving mainly midcarders like the Repo Man, Rick Martel and Tito Santana in the ring. Then Yokozuna just destroys everybody and Randy Savage was made to look like an idiot. It always bothered me that he went for a pin. It makes no sense and somebody with so much experience should never ever do a stupid mistake like that. Crap booking. 
Not the worst Royal Rumble ever but also not great.
Hawkeye - October 15th, 2014 04:15 GMT

Had Jannetty and Michaels been as good as they've been in other matches, that would've helped, but that night they were out of sorts and it wasn't very good.  Jannetty got fired shortly thereafter because Michaels blamed it on him being messed up that night.  Jannetty also has mentioned how disappointed he was in that match because the one they had the week before on a house show to prep for it was their best ever together.
wrestlevessel - October 17th, 2014 13:24 GMT

Shawn was a jerk for getting Marty fired like that.
Pogo - October 17th, 2014 17:21 GMT

------ QUOTE from  TheBestThereNeverWillBe, October 10th, 2014 22:19  GMT ------
1995 had the worst roster of any Royal Rumble. Ever. It looked like a freakin cartoon.. other than Bulldog & Michaels & Owen was anybody else even in that Rumble that ANYBODY thought could actually win it?
------ QUOTE END ------

Luger and Backlund could be added to that list.

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