- KM
-- Forum: Maple Leaf Wrestling
--- Topic: When did Angelo Mosca become a good guy ( Post #847716 )

Beyond Salem - September 24th, 2015 01:33 GMT

When and how did Angelo Mosca morph into the number one babyface in Toronto during the early 80's? Was there a specific face turn or did he just get programmed with heels?

Mosca was similar to Bulldog Brower in that his style didn't really change yet he was a face in Toronto &  a heel everywhere else.

During the early 70's Mosca was a face in his MLG bouts (including vs the Sheik) and Ontario Wildman shows of 72,73 and 74 matched against monster heels such as Eric the Red and Archie Gouldie the Stomper.

His rare mid 70's MLG bouts he was a heel vs Andre and during the late 70's AWA run he was a heel in the Lord Al Hayes stable.

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